Funding Support - Description, Aims and Results
Thanks to financial support from Ireland's European Structural and Investment Funds Programmes 2014 - 2020 and the EU Regional Development Fund, Robinson Distribution has appointed a senior accountant to the management team. This individual is responsible for reviewing and overseeing current accounting practices and implementing best operating processes and procedures for the company. They also oversee the achievement of targets and reporting deadlines in addition to the implementation of budgeting, forecasting and cash flow management.
As part of the Management team they are also involved in the day to day running of the company.
The overall aim of the appointment is to standardise accounting practices at Robinsons in line with current business requirements and company law. The long term aim is to lead the Sage 200 implementation for the company and be responsible for financial support and planning for the future strategic direction of the company.
At this interim stage of the project, the accounting function is reporting much tighter and stricter deadline achievement. Daily procedures and practices are now in place and are managed and monitored on an ongoing basis.